BIC has been the world's largest manufacturer of lighters and stationery since 1973.

Beginning in 2017, we conducted extensive market research and leveraged it to develop BIC’s new position, reframing the lighter as a fashion accessory. We designed new product lines and have continued to assist in the brand’s online expansion.

Since 2022, we have further helped penetrate the market with research, strategy, and development of offline POSM.


To better understand users' perceptions about France, lighter usage, and other related topics, we arranged a series of digital quantitative research surveys among selected target audiences in China, Japan, and Korea.

The results ensured an insights-based communication strategy, brand personification and product design.


With BIC, we developed a series of limited-edition lighter cases in premium packaging, keeping online sales and delivery costs regulations in mind.


We applied the concepts to the product photo shooting in line with the new positioning. We selected bright, lively colours to create a fashionable, young style and “insta-perfect” shots.


We created a BIC persona and KV for the 2018-2019 China, Japan, and Korea campaigns.

Different versions of the characters were tested, from the original 1960s inspiration to the contemporary embodiments of style.

Using the BIC persona, we created a series of training and sales video animations.


We created a private mini-program for BIC to engage further with shop owners and participate in campaign promotion.


We entirely redesigned BIC's official China e-commerce platform. Our new navigation interface and restyled product images enhanced user experience and ensured brand consistency.


The new limited edition series reduced e-commerce delivery costs while repositioning the brand. The visual approach dramatically increased online traffic and sales. The new POSM are currently being tested.